Thursday, July 19, 2007

When we say 'too,' we're really saying 'no.' But it doesn't feel like a 'no' if we don't say 'no.' So we say 'too.'

It may make us feel better, but it doesn't make a difference, and it doesn't get us any closer to remarkable. If you find yourself saying 'too' a lot, press on anyway. Often times, we close doors that were wide open just because we're nervous about what's on the other side.

'Too' is the new 'No' -


Lenina said...

I'm sleepy and I cannot make this make sense. Which makes me feel stupid. Bed time.

smp said...

Thing along the lines of:

"It's too hot to go outside, so I'll stay inside inside" or

"It's too hard to do, so I won't" or

"It takes too long, so I won't".

It's not obvious from the quote, but it still spoke to me at the time.

Lenina said...

Ah yes. With a few hours sleep and your helpful explanation. I know understand. It was too hard to read before, so I gave up. (Did I do it?)

smp said...

You did do it :)

I find myself doing it all the time. I wish I didn't. I'm trying to do it less.