Monday, July 09, 2007

Day 6 & 7 - The Shredinator

Saturdays are generally a write-off. Helen teaches in the morning and I play football in the afternoon. This Saturday was even worse as we went to a wedding instead. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a lot of fun, but as a consequence nothing got done around the home.

On Sunday I gathered together all my loose paperwork and sorted it. The bits I needed I put in my decrepit cardboard accordion file. Those bits I didn't need were also "filed" appropriately.


Unfortunately, I also broke the shredder. I'm on the hunt for a new one now.

I have also begun sorting through all my old magazines. I don't need them and I never go back and read them so why am I keeping them?


Anonymous said...

you keep them because they have information. throwing out information is like burning library books. it's just.. gone. can't undo it. What if you needed that skiNewZealand brochure from 2005 when you had no responsibilities and a bit of spare cash but didn't make it anyway? it still has a great rundown on the resorts and they won't have changed that much by the time junior is old enough to be a milo grommet. Cept you might have to walk a bit further from the hotel room to get to the snow...

smp said...

Actually, some of what I have kept in hard copy form, I don't need. Atomic computer magazine released a digital copy of their back issues to conincide with their 50th edition. I'm now disposing of editions 13-50 because I don't need the dead trees clogging up my house.

I also have a bunch of Computer Music back issues with tutorials and stuff that I might one day need, but I'm not sure. That sounds like a job for the scanner.

I will only throw out what can't be distributed through Freecycle, so at least the information lives on.

I'm trying to let go of more things. Clutter is not just a physical state but an emotional and mental one as well, and I'm tired of living like that. I need some peace I guess.