Saturday, November 18, 2006

Back again

Sorry, life's been hectic.

Apart from Elijah not wanting to sleep, I also started a new job on 16 November. It's been hard to find time to do anything but exist at the moment. Hopefully things will ease up again soon.

In the meantime, gratuitous footage of Elijah being cute at bathtime (for anyone who hasn't seen it on Little Elijah...)

I know, life's got so desperate I'm pinching content from my own blogs...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Shake shake shake

Shake shake shake

Shake your booty, oh yeah, shake your booty!

Since I've declared I'm never going to put video of my victory dance online, this narrative representation is just going to have to do.

I got my marks back on my final assignment, and they were good enough to tip me over the edge for the clean sweep - 4 from 4 High Distinctions!

Awwwww. Yeah.

Oh, shake shake shake...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Meh. Still sick.

Still whingeing too.

I've been poked, prodded, given erythromycin (a broad spectrum antibiotic) and blood tested. Hopefully I'll soon know why I'm coughing all the time and have a sore throat. The latest guess is bacterial bronchitis with a remote possibility of whooping cough, which the blood test is meant to rule out (and is mainly just a precaution as whooping cough and babies don't play nice together).

After taking today off work, I do feel much better albeit still a little tired and still with a sore throat. Now that it's night time, the cough is starting to return and the tiredness is creeping back.

Off to work again tomorrow. I have exactly one week left in this job before I start my new one. The next 6 work days are going to be a blur of tidying up loose ends and writing up some handover. Woo.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

And then there was none...

It is done.

The final assignment has been submitted electronically.

I've had headaches, a continually sore throat, constantly dripping sinuses, hacked up my lungs on a number of occasions and slept on the lounge the entire week so I don't keep my wife awake with my coughing, but I did it.  I don't think the marks will be good enough to make it a clean sweep of High Distinctions for my Grad Certificate (there were some intricacies of Open Office Base that I couldn't quite work out and to be honest, I'm not sure if it's me or the software), but quite frankly right now I could not physically care any less.  It is done and it will just have to do.  I only need 12 or 13 out of 25 to claim a Distinction and I'm almost certain to get at least that many marks.

So, it's off to the doctor again tomorrow because apparently I should be much better by now, and then after some more sleep, life will return to a semblance of normality.


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Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I'm still sick (turns out I had laryngitis) and struggling through my days, but one small piece of news caused me to do the most joyful victory dance I have done in a long time.

I got the marks back tonight for the final assignment of one of my subjects (Introduction to Data Networks), and the mark (14.1/15) was high enough to push me over into the High Distinction category with 87.7%.

Awwwwwwww yeaaaaa-uh.

Of course, this is pending final weighting of marks but I'm feeling pretty confident that I'm going to just scrape in there. This makes 3 from 3 HDs for my first year of part-time study/full-time work/full-time dad/slightly neglectful full-time husband. I had convinced myself that I wouldn't get the marks required to push me over 85% into HD territory, and this made the victory dance that little bit sweeter.

Just one assignment to go. I really don't think I'm getting the required marks to make it 4 from 4, but it is within the realm of possibility. It's just not all that likely.

*victory dance including obligatory butt wiggle*

(no, I will not tape it and put it up on YouTube)