Saturday, September 16, 2006

Two steps forward, one step back

This time of year has traditionally been a good time of year for us - Tax Return Season. I don't think there has been a single year when the ATO hasn't given us both back at least a little something. For a change, both us have got a decent return so we've been able to retire some of the credit card debt that has been mounting since we reverted to one income.

Today, we've changed debt situation. Again. We have been in need of a new refrigerator for quite a while and we have known that as soon as Bugs moves onto solids we were going to have to replace it with something bigger. and have been offering a large amount of goods on 40 months interest free. This is an offer that is very hard to resist, and it proved impossible in the end. We now own a new refrigerator (to be delivered), digital camcorder and a printer. The printer was dirt cheap (and in the end I paid for it with my credit card anyway because we had reached my limit with my GE Creditline - which is not as bad as it sounds as it's purposely a lower limit) and the camcorder was reduced, but still...

Yay. Debt. Woo. We've made a calculated decision to enter into interest free debt, and we have the means to pay out the amount well in advance of the due period. That doesn't mean I have to like it though.

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