Monday, June 25, 2007


For the first time in over a year, I have started wearing a watch again.

My watch

I got tired of using my mobile phone as a surrogate watch, which isn't a useful solution in situations where my phone is switched off (which happens more often than I first thought it would).

I own three watches and up until yesterday morning, all three of them needed new batteries. Now only two need new batteries (they also need new watchbands, but one step at a time). I didn't have to spend any time at all deciding which watch I was going to resurrect first. The watch above was given to me on my 21st birthday by a group of my university friends so it has great sentimental value to me.

After all this time, wearing a watch feels weird. I'm still not used to the extra weight on my wrist or the scraping noise it makes when it hits the desk while I'm typing. I have lost a bit of weight since I last wore it so it is still a bit loose on my arm. I am sure I will adapt.


Anonymous said...

or the single worst thing about re-wearing an old metal band watch... the re-ripping of arm hairs :(

smp said...

Yes. x infinity. (I was going to see what the key stroke combo for the infinity sign is but work has updated it's SOE and locked out Character Map, of all Windows apps. Good work guys. Way to secure the desktop).

The pain free bald patch is forming. In another month or two, it should be just right...