Sunday, June 17, 2007

The hammock district.

Still hammock weather

Even though Canberra is now firmly in the grasp of Winter's icy tendrils, every now and then Mother Nature throws up a gorgeous day like today. No breeze, moderate temperature (max 14C) and barely a cloud in the sky.

It shouldn't take a genius to work out why I decided to read the paper and take a brief nap in the hammock this morning. I fed the boy lunch to give my wife a chance to do the same. Her nap was, shall we say, not so brief. I had to wake her an hour later! Still, it has done her a world of good and we're both much better for our hammock adventures today.

If only all Canberra winter days looked as gorgeous as this one!

Hard to believe it is winter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thankfully enough do to make it worth while :) it's days like that i either wish i was hiking or am glad i got organised enough that i am...