Thursday, March 22, 2007

No news is good news?

The blood tests showed that everything seems to be normal, which is good news I guess, although it doesn't bring me much closer to finding out what's the deal with my heart, or weight loss, or lethargy either.

Onwards to the Holter monitor.


Anonymous said...

1. I have no idea
2. 68kg on your frame ain't so bad, last i looked we were around the same height and I've been between 66 and 70 kg since I was about 16.
3. Sympathetic Lethargy. Even if you sleep the whole night through, the lovely lady gets an hour or so here or there totally 4 or 5 from 8... and somehow YOU feel tired too. I get it all the time :)

On a slightly related note, HOORAY for no more daylight savings.

Anonymous said...

"totalling". That'll teach me for not previewing...

smp said...

To put it into some perspective, during the football season for the last few years I have consistently sat at around 76kgs. In the off-season, when I do nothing at all, I lose a few kilos (muscle mass drops from lack of exercise) but no more than 3 or 4.

With this current weight loss, I lost weight during the season, which is very unusual. I kept losing weight over the off-season and now I'm back into training, the weight isn't coming back. There have been no substantial changes in diet, which was something that surprised the doctor and led him to think that there's some underlying issue here. 10kgs is a lot to lose with no change in lifestyle apart from having a child, and only putting back 2kgs is not a good sign.

Sympathetic lethargy? I wish... H. usually has more energy than I do on any given day and she has to look after Bugalugs far more than I do.