Monday, January 15, 2007

Oops. No site stats for you!

Unintended consequence of switching to New Blogger #1

I didn't think to check that the javascript from Sitemeter followed the template over to the new layout. Turns out it didn't. Here I am, thinking that no visitors just meant no one cared. It seems that not only do people not care but machines are actively working against me, too.

My last recorded visitor was on 18 December 2006. By my calculations, that means that I should have received at least 4 more hits since then.

I'm so popular.


Lenina said...

Hooray for popularity! I haven't checked my hit counter in a long time. It was originally in place to track a certain person, but they haven't been around in awhile, so I've lost interest.
Please keep writing because I enjoy reading. :)

smp said...

It's probably good that you can move beyond such things. Like many geeks, I'm obsessed with measuring and quantifying things. Of course, with my traffic I use "measure" quite loosely. Normally you need some sort of quantum before you can actually measure :)