Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Just leave the car alone. Please.

Stop breaking into our fucking car. Seriously.

4 times in 3 years is too much, and we're really not that impressed about having to replace the driver's side door lock (again) and the lock on the boot so that they can once again be key operated.

Serious consideration is being given to becoming a one car household as too many people seem to see a Hyundai Excel as easy pickings (I know the link is for the Accent but it turns out that in Australia, between 95 and 2000, what was an Excel was an Accent in most other places. Stuff you learn) .

Nothing was stolen, but it still gives me the shits. The damage caused will be inconvenient enough, and as usual, will be less than the excess on our insurance policy so there's no point making a claim.


Everytime I start to feel good about humanity, some arseclown goes and ruins it for me.

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