Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Power toolage

I don't often get a chance to crack out the ol' power drill and do something constructive. The last time I did this was when I put up the guitar hoooks a couple of months back.

At the moment we've been keeping the boy's toys and associated stuff in his portacot which lives in the lounge room. The downside is that it means he can't actually use his portacot, and every now and then he seems to like pretending he's been imprisoned (that and he likes to peek over the top and giggle at us - entertainment is sooo cheap at this age). We bought some stackable wooden boxes to solve this problem, with the added bonus that we can now quickly pull down the portacot and put it away when we are not using it.

The boxes came in a heavy box and were flat pack. I was worried they would be held together with nails (hammering is not my strong point - to much hand-eye co-ordination involved) but thankfully, it was a screw-based construction.

There were three boxes in all. The first one looked like this after I ripped it out of the box and laid it out, ready to go:

Being handy

It turned out to be surprisingly easy to put together, and I was once again reunited with the joy that is power tools.

The final, very handy and useful product below:

The 'after' shot

It was a good day for power tools, actually. One of the presents we gave Elijah for his birthday in April was a wooden trolley with wooden blocks. Unfortunately, the guide holes for the screws in the side of the trolley bore no relation to where the screws would actually need to go if the handle was to be attached. After an extended period of forgetfulness, I finally got around to drilling some new guide holes and attaching the handle, giving Elijah a "brand new toy" to play with.

Playing with blocks

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