Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I thought it was cold this morning when Elijah woke up at 5am and wouldn't settle so we brought him back to our bed. He then woke me up 10 minutes later playing "The Nose Game" [1] before he settled back to sleep.

I thought it was cold when I dragged myself out of bed at 5:45am to start getting ready for work. I have to get up this early a couple of times a week to get the early bus so I can leave work early. It was cold. My shower was extra hot to compensate and I stepped out of the shower a satisfying shade of lobster read.

I thought it was cold when, while walking at a vigorous pace to the bus stop at 6:55am, I spied this poor frosted flowering plant in someone's front yard.

Frozen garden

I thought it was cold when I walked past the York Park Conservation Site between the bus stop and work and it was sheathed with fog and looking rather spooky (it's normally a dry, empty looking patch of endangered native grassland)

A cold and misty morning

I knew it was cold when I got in to work to check the Bureau of Meteorology site for the temperature to find out it was -5 C (about 23F).

Winter is well and truly here, and this is just the start of it.

[1] "The Nose Game" was started by me, and Elijah loves it. I poke him on the nose and say "Beep" or make another appropriate fun noise. Elijah worked this out pretty quickly, and started poking our noses as well. Of course, we would "Beep!", much to his delight. Unfortunately, he does this a lot, in any situation. He sometimes would also grab my hand and drag it to his nose, whereupon I was expected to "Beep!" or suffer the consequences. "The Nose Game" is cute at 4:30pm when playing with blocks in the lounge room. At 5 in the morning with freezing fingers? Not so much...

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