Our house has too much clutter. Want to know how I know this?
Last night, I was sorting through my wife's pile of paperwork that she appears to take great delight in ignoring. I had had enough (as happens on an irregular basis) so while we watched some Season 4 Scrubs (a Christmas 2007 present) I began going through it.
Apart from a large number of empty envelopes, out of date coupons, old newsletters and important notices, I found a bunch of Christmas cards from 2006. Inside one of those cards was $50.
When your clutter is costing you money, you know that the time has come for some change.
Isn't that right, dear?
Hey. Those are pleasant surprises. Clutter can be your friend...
I don't think clutter can ever be my friend. I tend to think of lost opportunity cost when it comes to what fun I could have had with the CDs bought with the money over the preceding 12 months.
On a side note, wow have I been neglecting this place. Time to flex the ol' ego muscle and get back in to being here again. Nice to see you're back with the living, too.
Yeah, I've missed my cyber reality. I'll be checking in periodically. :)
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