Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I'm still sick (turns out I had laryngitis) and struggling through my days, but one small piece of news caused me to do the most joyful victory dance I have done in a long time.

I got the marks back tonight for the final assignment of one of my subjects (Introduction to Data Networks), and the mark (14.1/15) was high enough to push me over into the High Distinction category with 87.7%.

Awwwwwwww yeaaaaa-uh.

Of course, this is pending final weighting of marks but I'm feeling pretty confident that I'm going to just scrape in there. This makes 3 from 3 HDs for my first year of part-time study/full-time work/full-time dad/slightly neglectful full-time husband. I had convinced myself that I wouldn't get the marks required to push me over 85% into HD territory, and this made the victory dance that little bit sweeter.

Just one assignment to go. I really don't think I'm getting the required marks to make it 4 from 4, but it is within the realm of possibility. It's just not all that likely.

*victory dance including obligatory butt wiggle*

(no, I will not tape it and put it up on YouTube)


Lenina said...

That's right, enough men have taped their own victory dances, enough to last a lifetime! We'll just go watch one of those to sustain ourselves. I applaud your high marks, sir. I start taking finals in less than a month and my stomach is tying itself in knots over it.

smp said...

Good luck with that. I think your engineering studies are probably going to be more taxing than my IT ones.

Because this degree is largely populated with distance students, the examination regimes are more geared towards assignments and take-home exam options rather than "sit in a room and be quiet for 2 hours", which is what I had to do a lot back when I did my Sociology degree. Maybe it's also because I'm doing a coursework Masters *shrug*

Either way, I'm just glad that it looks like people are more interested in the fact that you know where to find the information rather than trying to make my brain a pure data reservoir that can retrieve facts but can't really apply them.