Monday, October 23, 2006

US bans vegemite

Edit 29/10: As has been pointed out, this is in fact not true:


Apparently it's because has folate added, and in the US you can only add folate to bread and cereals. Bah! Weak excuse if I ever heard one.

This should be considered a declaration of war, in my opinion. Vegemite on toast is one of the finest delicacies known to man (to this man anyway) and now thousands of expat Aussies will be denied this simple pleasure unless they can smuggle it in from Canada or Mexico.

Is this any way to treat an ally, Uncle Sam?

1 comment:

smp said...

Yeah, I saw that at about roughly the same time as this comment.

Still, the reason this story caught on like wildfire is that it is so believable that the FDA would do this.