Friday, July 21, 2006

Driving me crazy

(it seems that posting via emails is an inexact science at best. I'm posting manually now, and hopefully this won't show up as a dupe)

People do stupid things that I plain don't understand. The stupidhuman activity currently bugging me is commuting somewhere (usually towork), getting out of the driver's seat and farewelling your partnerwho then proceeds to hop into the driver's seat and drives away.

Why would you do this?

Obviously, you are both going somewhere, and one person gets droppedoff and the other person continues on their journey. It doesn'tmatter where that journey is – workplace, doughnut shop, back home –the important thing is that the journey is clearly ongoing for oneperson.

Here's what I don't get – why is the person being dropped off the onedriving? Huh? Surely it would make more sense to have just the onedriver. It has to be more efficient for a start. Changing driversmeans changing seat positions, rear view mirrors, steering columns (ifyou have a la-di-da car that allows that level of customisation) andradio stations (maybe that one is just me). Even more confusing isthat more often than not the kiss goodbye means that these people, ifnot living together, are at least intimately acquainted on some level. What kind of message does this send?

"Honey, I love you and trust you with my deepest emotions but there'sno way I'm going to be a passenger when you're driving."

I don't get people. Really, I don't. You're all weird.

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